

What is Advanced Targeted Marketing? [infographic]

Our brands all focus on niche markets such as geomatics, hydrography and technical industry. With advanced targeted marketing, however, we take it one step further, by offering even more specific target groups within these niches. The purpose of this is to increase the relevance of the message and to increase the conversion percentage. While traditional campaigns often focus on quantity and a wide audience, advanced targeted marketing focuses on pure quality with a very specific approach. Do you want to know how this works and whether this solution fits your marketing plans?

Database Marketing
Advanced Targeted Marketing
What is Advanced Targeted Marketing? [infographic]

3 reasons to add your videos to Products4Engineers

YouTube is now the second largest search engine, with stunning statistics like 900 million unique visitors per month! Video marketing is growing in line with this trend, according to research by the Aberdeen Group, marketers using video in their B2B marketing strategy receive an average of 66% more leads and a 54% increase in brand awareness. Still not convinced? Then quickly read the following three reasons to use video marketing through Products4Engineers.

Video Marketing
Product Marketing
3 reasons to add your videos to Products4Engineers

3 reasons to add your videos to Geo-matching

YouTube is now the second largest search engine, with stunning statistics like 900 million unique visitors per month! Video marketing is growing in line with this trend, according to research by the Aberdeen Group, marketers using video in their B2B marketing strategy receive an average of 66% more leads and a 54% increase in brand awareness. Not convinced about video marketing yet? Then quickly read the following three reasons to add your videos to Geo-matching.

Video Marketing
Product Marketing
3 reasons to add your videos to Geo-matching

Ten B2B content marketing goals

When you speak to our marketing advisors, one of the first questions they ask will always focus on the goal(s) of your marketing campaign. And this is no different when making your B2B content marketing strategy. The first step in creating a strong strategy is to determine your goals. What would be the point in creating, publishing and sharing content, if you have absolutely no idea what goals you want to achieve with it? Goals are necessary to measure results and/or make adjustments during the process to improve those results.

Content Marketing
Marketing Strategy
Content Creation
Ten B2B content marketing goals

5 tips for writing quality articles

A study by the Content Marketing Institute amongst marketing professionals in North America shows that the top factor (85%) of the increase in their content marketing success was attributed to their content-creation being of higher quality and more efficient! At Geomares, we have been creating quality content on a daily basis for the past 25 years, starting from a print only publication to the multiple ‘online first’ media brands we are offering today.

From our experience please find 5 tips for writing quality articles.

Content Marketing
Content Creation
5 tips for writing quality articles